The mission is simple: Zealous Representation, Effective Courtroom Advocacy, Client Focus.
Criminal Law, Family Law, Civil Litigation, Bankruptcy
The mission is simple: Zealous Representation, Effective Courtroom Advocacy, Client Focus.
Criminal Law, Family Law, Civil Litigation, Bankruptcy
We will defend cases throughout Western Kentucky
We will defend cases throughout Western Kentucky
“Fiat Justitia, Ruat Caelum”
Time and time again clients have said too much before talking to a lawyer. In fact, this is the most significant factor negatively affecting criminal cases generally. Even if you are innocent, you can rarely help your situation when speaking to any authorities prior to speaking to a lawyer about your rights. The police are allowed to lie to you, to trick you, and can get away with many tactics to get you to say things that may incriminate you. The system is set up to favor the state, and only your right to remain silent can balance the scales. THE ONLY WORDS YOU SHOULD SAY ARE "I WANT TO REMAIN SILENT. I WANT MY LAWYER," and call us immediately. Once you ask for a lawyer, you effectively end any interrogation, further protecting your rights. Prior to answering any question asked by authorities, call us to make sure your rights are protected from the beginning.
Divorce and Custody may cloud your judgment.
Not Ours
Divorce and Custody may cloud your judgment.
Not Ours
We are very experienced at dealing with the tough issues that come with this area of the law. We know that the toll that is often taken on the family is the most trying and emotional challenge our clients may have ever faced. We will explain your case, and craft a plan that best suits your family and eases the transition for divorcing parents. Many families today consist of parents that are no longer together. We can help you set custody, gain visitation, set child support, and enforce your rights if you are being denied access to your child. It is often difficult to remain peaceful in tough situations where emotions are high. Call us for a free consultation and we will counsel you on your options before emotions become to high, and the family situation begins to affect the case, family, or children, in a negative manner.
Whatever your legal dispute is, we are here to help. We will research the law, inform you of your legal position, and take legal action on your behalf is necessary. We have handled many civil disputes involving property disputes (conversion of property), personal injury, contract disputes, commercial business litigation, improper construction, and many others. We always come from a problem solving mindset-what can we do to minimize the cost for our client, and bring about a resolution to the matter. When that can't happen, we file suit to ask the courts for relief.
Civil law doesn't always involve law suits. We draft contracts, advise business owners, research and advise on regulation, and other areas of civil law as well. Call us today with your legal question for a free consultation.
Let us show you how to get your life back
Let us show you how to get your life back
Garnishments Stopped. Collection Calls Stopped. Hateful mail from debt collectors. Not anymore.
Chapter 7 bankruptcy provides persons with a fresh start by discharging there debts, and stopping the harassing calls, letters, and garnishments when your financial situation calls for it. We help you file a petition with the court asking them to wipe out your debt, known as a "discharge." Almost all debts can be discharged, however, some debts, such as student loans, and taxes will usually not be discharged. The paperwork required for bankruptcy is extensive, and the supporting documents you have to collect can be overwhelming. Let us guide you through the process, make sure your paperwork is properly filed, and ensure that you get your discharge with as little hassle as possible.
Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows an individual or married couple to reorganize and repay some or all of their debt over a 3-5 year period. Garnishments and collections outside of the repayment plan are stopped by and "automatic stay" so that you can pay down your debt through the court approved plan. At the end of the plan, if you have debt remaining, those debts can be discharged. This is common when trying to save your home from foreclosure, strip a second mortgage, or other situations where a person may want to keep property that may be subject to sale otherwise to repay your debts.
Disclaimer: We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code. Nothing contained in this website should be construed as legal advice. Consult with an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. Contacting us through this website does not create an attorney-client relationship. Nothing in this website is intended as tax advice, nor is it intended to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein. Attorney Steven Boling is responsible for this website.